The Russian Church’s Zero-Tolerance on Virginity – a ‘Matter of National Security’ by Russian Faith via Russia-Insider
GNN Note – I think the western world could benefit from reading and understanding this concept.
It is necessary to stigmatize sexual relations before marriage. We need to explain to young men that it is not normal to marry a woman who has already been used by dozens of men, and that only a fool would marry a harlot. Yes, this will hurt many very deeply. The vast majority of our society will be exposed. But we simply have no other way out to save the future generation.
According to the Bible, it is the father who is responsible for the honor of his daughter. It is important for men to understand that there is no greater shame for a father, than failing to keep your daughter pure before marriage.
In less than a month, on July 8th, Russia will have its national holiday celebrating Family, Love, & Fidelity. It is also the Orthodox Church’s feast day for Saints Peter & Fevronia, patron saints for Christian marriage & family.

We asked some experts, why is it necessary to preserve virginity before marriage? How can the total devaluation of marriage among young people now be dealt with, and what should the Church and the state undertake to do so?
Priest Timothy Kuropatov, prior of the Patriarchal monastery at the church of the Tsar Passion-bearers in Anino, South Chertanovo
The disintegration of families and fornication among adolescents needs to be corrected by state policy, which today is aimed at the promotion of fornication, and morality is corrupted through television and the Internet. If we would prohibit such films, programs, and movies, and if we would reacts to divorces more harshly, the situation would change.
Most marriages today are falling apart due to the fact that people are big egoists with great pride. Responsibility for education is borne by parents, and children should receive spiritual education at the church. Let’s be honest — there are not a lot of divorces among true believers. If a person is an Orthodox Christian, goes to church, honors the Lord, and takes communion, then his family is strong. Among believers there are the least divorces, a high number of good families, and ninety percent marriages are happy ones. The church prohibits divorces, and tries to heal human souls, while the state does not give these tools to society. The state provides other opportunities: come, file an application, and “walk out happy”. Therefore, a very big responsibility lies precisely with the state. The state should take measures to help people think and live as they should.
Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev, Cleric of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki. Writer, Theologian, and Missionary
The younger generation is lost in the Internet. It is necessary to make a Great Exodus, to free our Slavic youth from dependence on electronic devices. In order for such an exodus to take place, it is necessary that powerful Orthodox missionaries enter the Internet and help Orthodox youth understand what is useful for them and what is not. Christ descended into hell, and Moses returned to captivity, to save the people and bring the people out. Young people cannot read books or even watch full movies. When I was asked to write a review of the film “Noah”, I went to the cinema, and there were young people in the hall. It struck me that they could not even look at the screen for a long time, as everyone had smartphones, and while watching the movie, they sent messages and texted.
I was told that the situation is the same with students at lectures at the Moscow State University and other educational institutions. One mother complained to me that her child will sit at the table, eating and looking at the smartphone, then take it with him to the bathroom and shower. He writes something to someone, and can not tear himself away from the smartphone. We need a Great Exodus from this space, or we will get people with extremely limited intelligence. Imagine if a person learned to read from the inscriptions on fences, examining graffiti on houses, and through this method he tried to comprehend the history of his country and culture. What will come of it?
Priest Dimitri Aleshkevich, priest of the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in the city of Sevastopol
Virginity before marriage and purity outside marriage must be preserved according to the commandments of Christ. What is happening today in the adolescent environment is in exact agreement with the eschatological passages of the holy scripture, where it is said that the Babylonian harlot will give all nations to drink of her fornication (Rev. 18:2). The total spread of fornication and the destruction of the image of the Christian family is motivated by the general retreat of people — people of the Christian world — from Christ.